
Swim Class.

Today is a big day.

Really big.

Huge, even.

Grier was promoted to the next level of swim class!

She started taking swim classes last July at Aqua Tots and started in level 2. Level 2 swimmers must always have a parent in the water with them during the class...totally "Mommy and Me" swim class.


Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with GCB and swim class is no exception. However, getting in a pool when it is below 50 degrees outside is no bueno. My hair always gets wet, I'm cold, it's miserable. Furthermore, for the first six months of classes, she cried. Hard. Every. Single. Class. That's 30 minutes of non-stop, I'm losing my mind, nothing is okay and it never will be, screaming. Yowza. I'm sure you can picture how much fun I had during those classes. Not to mention how not fun it was for all the poor mommas and kiddos that were in the class with us. (So sorry, friends!) So yeah, swim class + Susan = not cool.

But today is big. Huge. Grier was promoted to level 3, which means she does not need to have a parent in the water with her. Holla. Her new class is just the instructor and a few other children. Double holla. 

So now, instead of getting in the pool every Friday morning, I will be drinking coffee and reading fashion blogs watching Grier in her new "big girl" swim class from the lobby. Swim class + Susan = best thing ever.



Happy Spring! I hope it is warm (ish) and sunny where you are today! A few things I'm loving...

I die. This made me laugh so hard. Can you even imagine?! What would you do if this happened to you? Seriously. I die. Side note: Ellen Degeneres does this on her show and it never, ever gets old.

I can't be the only person excited about this remake. Candy Rain by Soul For Real was my jam in 1995. Wow, that sounds so long ago and now I feel very old. 

Do you guys ever watch the show The Sing Off? Remember Pentatonix? The group that won in 2011? Well, this is two of the guys from the group covering my most favorite person in the world Beyonce's new album. So. Good.

And I leave you with this kid. This kid. I love everything about him. If this video doesn't bring a tear to your eye and just make you really happy about life, I'm not sure what will. 

Thanks for reading.

And I'm really glad you're here. 


St. Patrick's Day.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, ya'll!

I celebrated St. Patrick's Day on Saturday by doing a scavenger hunt bar crawl. I can't believe this is the first time I've ever participated in something like this!

So. Much. Fun.

We basically spent 3 hours running (and rickshawing) around downtown Raleigh taking pictures and videos of ourselves at specific places, doing specific things (read: being ridiculous and acting like fools). 

The two guys on the bottom offered
to help us build our 3-2-1 pyramid. The
guy in the middle kept the cigar in
his mouth the entire time. 

We made the WRAL page, enjoyed the gorgeous weather, had some fun drinks, and walked away the big winners. That's right, people, 5th Annual Gulliver's Travels St. Patty Day Photo Scavenger Hunt Bar Crawl winners! Whooop!



Instagram and Cookie Butter.

Two things on this Wednesday:

1. Follow me on instagram here.

2. Trader Joe's Cookie Butter is seriously the best stuff ever...there is even a Facebook page with over 9,000 likes! It. Is. So. Addicting. And definitely not fat free. Must. Stop. Now.

That's all. Have the best day! xo