The first real snow is finally happening in Chicago! The past few days it has been bitterly cold...I'm talking about a high of like 4 degrees with a wind chill of like -15 degrees. Say it with me, BRRRRRRRRR. So, it's only fitting that it is finally snowing. However, if it is going to be brutally cold, I'd like a lot of snow. I'm thinking huge snow storm...16 shutting stores running out of food. Okay, maybe not so much that last part, but sometimes I think it would be nice to live in a place like Alabama. When it starts to snow in the deep south, like a few flakes falling and not even sticking, businesses and schools immediately send professionals and children home. I have facebook friends that post statuses that prove this is a real thing. That definitely never, EVER happens here. Salt trucks are getting their salt on. Over it. Thinking about summer. And sun dresses. And wedges. And Jack Rogers. And linen shorts. Are we there yet???

Hunter Boots. Big time classic.

Chloe. Snow puppy for life.
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